Info: printed books
E-books are getting more and more widespread thanks to their accessibility, the experience of user-adjustable reading and most of all to their costs, that are normally lower than traditional printed books.
Nevertheless the fascination of reading a book, holding it in the hands and leafing through its pages, remains intact and for some people it is still undeniable. For this reason many works in this site can be purchased in the printed version as well, beside the electronic format.
Printed books
The information sheets dedicated to each book, available in the sections of the site, contain information about the plot, the genre and the content of the works. Moreover they report the formats in which the works is available, that is the printed version, electronic version (e-book) or both.
Some of the works presented in this site, all the novels among them, are purchasable in the printed version. Such books are published by a society that belongs to Amazon group.
The printed copies can be available in different formats, according to the type of chosen materials (type and color of paper, glossy or opaque cover) and dimensions, but in the majority of the cases the proposed format is 6''x 9'' (15.25 x 22.86 cm) with white pages and flexible glossy cover.
example of a purchasable printed copy
Purchasable printed books
Through the information sheets of the various sections of this site it is possible to visit the pages that are dedicated to the works on your own language Amazon website. Here it will be possible to read the synopsis of the work, download a free sample and read the reviews of the readers before the purchase, beside checking the price of the book and the actual purchase conditions.
In certain periods it is possible to find promotions that allow to buy printed books at promotional prices. You will be informed about this on the official pages of the author on Facebook and Twitter.