Info: e-books



Works in electronic format

E-books are getting more and more widespread thanks to their accessibility, the experience of user-adjustable reading and most of all to costs, that are typically much more moderate than traditional books.

All the works presented in this website are available on Amazon in electronic format, in particular Kindle format, which means that all the works are readable on a Kindle device. However these files can be easily and comfortably read via every portable device (smartphone, tablet, laptop) or fixed (PC, iMac) by installing the reading application Kindle, that can be downloaded for free through the following link:


Once the free reading software is installed, all downloaded files will automatically apper into yor library. Thanks to the various options of visualization (e.g. size and font type, background color, reading layout), the reading experience will be user-adjusted to your own preferences.

Purchasable e-books

The information sheets  dedicated to each book, available in the sections of the site, contain information about the plot, the genre and the content of the works.

Through these sheets it is possible to visit the pages dedicated to the works on the Amazon sites in the language of interest. Here it will be possible to read the synopsis of the work, download a free sample (once registration on Amazon is made and the Kindle reading application has been installed on your PC or portable device - both operations are quick and free) and read the reviews of the readers before buying the work, beside checking the price of the book and the current purchasing conditions.

The e-books are readable on all the devices that are linked to your registration profile on Amazon, can be  physically downloaded on each of them and can be contextually archived on Cloud.

In certain periods it is possible to find promotions that allow to  buy works at promotional prices or even for free. You will be informed about this on the official pages of the author on Facebook and Twitter.